Thursday, December 25, 2014

With what is now a real democratization of the special effects, Brainstorm Digital (who realized th

The last movie starring Leonardo DiCaprio seems to have at least one thing in common: they show with great pride a lot of special effects. The thing had already noticed with The Great Gatsby, and is even more evident with The Wolf of Wall Street (a great movie, by the way). Take a look at the video below, to see the integration of the effects in the film. Who would have thought that all these scenes were all touched up, changed that and even an open space had been transformed into an enclosed space?
With what is now a real democratization of the special effects, Brainstorm Digital (who realized the effects sanrio store of The Wolf of Wall Street) shows how very easy to change environments. For one thing, if you have already seen the film, you already sanrio store know that at some point a lion enters the offices of Stratton Oakmont. Well contrary to what you see in the scene, the office is full of traders triggered but is empty, and the animal is constantly kept on a leash.
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