Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Regarding embed in websites and / or blogs is not working the parameter

Embed Youtube Video in High Quality and HD 'Ainu.it
How to insert in web pages and blog sites Youtube videos in High Quality (HQ) and High Definition (HD). Youtube has long since made available a viewing mode with a higher quality, real looker. To enable city hunter 14 this mode, however, in the video posted on our website we will have to make minor changes to the code "embed" original.
Youtube has always been the most used video-sharing site, one with a larger number of users and an impressive amount of video of all kinds. Until recently, however, it was possible to watch these videos only to a relatively low resolution: 320 240. Since some months, however, is possible to enable a kind of "high city hunter 14 quality", corresponding to a higher resolution (480 360) and a higher bitrate. It does not end here ... the TOP is the vision in high definition (HD 720p). Unfortunately, when these modes are available only by watching the videos directly on the pages of Youtube and not for the same videos on sites / external blogs. No problem, just a few simple changes to the code "embed" Original invited to enjoy our favorite videos directly city hunter 14 in high quality / high definition, regardless of what page you look at them. High quality and HD on Youtube
If the video has a resolution sufficient Youtube then inserts the same option city hunter 14 to watch it with higher quality. This option is indicated by 'Watch in High Quality "under the right edge of the box video. If we want to directly open this version in high quality without city hunter 14 having to click each time on written city hunter 14 sopraindicata just add the string "& fmt = 18" to the end of the video (URL). Thus for example the address http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jyDrc5qBaRs becomes:
Regarding embed in websites and / or blogs is not working the parameter "& fmt = 18", or at least not in view mode above. In this case we will have to act directly on the code provided by the video page on YouTube by entering the string "& ap =% 3D18% 2526fmt" immediately after "rel = 0" or "fs = 1", city hunter 14 in practice at the end of the full URL of the video . Let's see an example, the code:
<Object width = "480" city hunter 14 height = "295"> <param name = "movie" value = "http://www.youtube.com/v/jyDrc5qBaRs&hl=en&fs=1"> </ param> <param name = "allowFullScreen" value = "true"> </ param> <param name = "allowscriptaccess" value = "always"> </ param> <embed src = "http://www.youtube.com/v/jyDrc5qBaRs&hl=en&fs = 1 "type =" application / x-shockwave-flash "allowscriptaccess =" always "allowfullscreen =" true "width =" 480 "height =" 295 "> </ embed> </ object>
<Object city hunter 14 width = "480" height = "295"> <param name = "movie" value = "http://www.youtube.com/v/jyDrc5qBaRs&hl=en&fs=1 city hunter 14 & ap =% 3D18 2526fmt%"> </ param> <param name = "allowFullScreen" value = "true"> </ param> <param name = "allowscriptaccess" value = "always"> </ param> <embed src = "http://www.youtube.com / v / jyDrc5qBaRs & hl = en & fs = 1 & ap =% 2526fmt% 3D18 "type =" application / x-shockwave-flash "allowscriptaccess =" city hunter 14 always "allowfullscreen =" true "width =" 480 "height =" 295 "> </ embed > </ object>
<Object width = "480" height = "295"> <param name = "movie" value = "http://www.youtube.com/v/jyDrc5qBaRs&hl=en&fs=1 & ap =% 3D22 2526fmt%"> </ param> <param name = "allowFullScreen" value = "true"> </ param> city hunter 14 <param name = "allowscriptaccess" value = "always"> </ param> <embed src = "http://www.youtube.com / v / jyDrc5qBaRs & hl = en & fs = 1 & ap =% 2526fmt% 3D22 "type =" application / x-shockwave-flash "allowscriptaccess =" always "allowfullscreen =" true "width =" 480 "height =" 295 "> </ embed > </ object>
To watch the video in high definition you must still maximize it to full screen with the button on the player. In the case where it is not provided a high definition mode to the parameter entered, city hunter 14 however, the charge version with the best possible quality.
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