Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Raining negative reviews for the new film by Paolo Ruffini - the second as a director - titled

Raining negative reviews for the new film by Paolo Ruffini - the second as a director - titled "All very nice." The film produced by Colorado movie starring, once again, the youtuber Frank Matano and is fine for a brief appearance by Michael Righini (as we had anticipated world premiere tom and jerry tales games last May).
Ruffini, Frank Matano and the supporting characters are simply embarrassing: the father of Joseph (Paul Calabresi) with dandruff snowfall tom and jerry tales games in the "singer idiot" (Gianluca tom and jerry tales games "Spark" Fubelli) the tattooed psychopath (Angelo Pintus, the most wasted). All from the cabaret tv or from Youtube (Matano), all seemingly trapped in a 'animation from the tourist village, those whose customs are remedied for fishing them randomly from a basket and each sudden childish jokes (pity that, behind All very nice , there are four writers). Nobody reactions credible, even in a comic, with the sole exception of Pupo (yes, the singer), subjected to a rain of unpleasant jokes about his height, his alleged bigamy and his passion for gambling. Maybe audiences Ruffini this second award as he did with Brain drain, but the cinema is another thing, thankfully. Cinematografo.it - VOTE 2 stars out of 5
And 'All very nice ... but only in the title: after Brain drain, Paolo Ruffini repeats director, bringing the small screen to the big "comic" in Colorado. Spark also makes you laugh, Pupo is also funny, biting Matano, Pauline true, but ... this is not a movie, not really. Directed, call this is a concession, is from "strabuona the first!", Fittings sesquipedalian, the dramaturgy on leave, but all is not to be thrown away, indeed: wish you a super collection, what is missing from the Italian cinema months. This would be very nice. BadTaste.it
The whole film is aimed to gag and what happens makes little sense unless you see it as a pretext to mask the characters with ridiculous costumes or enable them to escape the police and finally to exchange a translator for escort. [...] The few positive elements are lost in a staging that is always a surprise to sloppiness and lack of respect of the consistency (see also the music selection). Especially are lost before the final claim: the film would also tell something sincere and maybe drop a tear, but is perhaps tom and jerry tales games the most daunting of attempts. EveryEye.it - VOTE 5 of 10
Despite tom and jerry tales games the 'overdose of jokes rather unhappy, compared to the first film by Ruffini (the bad feature ruffiniano), here a very small handful of laughs manages to be torn to the viewer and the direction appears in part improved absolute minimum. The general impression, however, accomplice plus a flap bitter in search of easy emotion, is to be in front of a mediocre operation, ambition so high shrink to excessive agglomeration of irons in the fire, plus giostrata through different registers pain assayed because of the still inexperienced hand at its helm. Laughter very little. Ciak Magazine - 2 stars out of 5
The Livorno Paolo Ruffini summons a perky company of comedians and entertainers from tv (Frank Matano, Gianluca Fubelli all) and raffazzona an "on the road" easy-going and respectable. The moral is that of love that conquers all, transforming even the most refractory characters. Message generation tom and jerry tales games who trusts more in sympathy and the dynamism of the team that is not in the care of the script and the director, tom and jerry tales games with a little comedy 'forced and many good feelings bandied about. Ruffini studied by comedian all over the field some quality it has, including defects tom and jerry tales games of inexperience and tips carelessness rather obvious. CoomingSoon.it
In this road-buddy movie, tom and jerry tales games which seems at times a cartoon and that takes place "all in one night," the film references are clear: they took a cue from Planes, Trains and Automobiles and cinema Italian Bud Spencer tom and jerry tales games and Terence tom and jerry tales games Hill, Balloon and Alvaro Vitali. [...] The world of Paolo Ruffini: a male universe caciarone, full of friendship and complicity, perhaps a little 'dawg and child [...] We would love to see him leave his comfort zone: now is big enough to know that cinema is not only a reunion of old friends
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