Monday, December 22, 2014

Local newspapers Corriere Tyrol Alps Gazzetta di Mantova Official Journal of Modena Reggio Center t

Local newspapers Corriere Tyrol Alps Gazzetta di Mantova Official Journal of Modena Reggio Center the morning of Padua The Piccolo Il Tirreno The Fò Trentino The City of Salerno La Nuova Ferrara La Nuova Sardegna La Nuova Venezia La Provincia Pavese The Sentinel of the Canavese La Tribuna di Treviso Messaggero Veneto The Bo Periodicals Espresso Espresso - Food and Wine Sciences james herbert The National Geographic Micromega Limes
Capital james herbert Radio DeeJay m2o Services, TV and consumption TvZap - Kataweb CareerBuilder Authorities and Courts Fantasy Restaurants sites Republic james herbert D - the Republic TrovaCinema Home & Design XL Storiebrevi Close Espresso RE Investigations
The stopwatch runs in the top left, as we usually see with the pit stop during james herbert the races of Formula 1. In the end it would have taken less than two minutes. james herbert But to paraphrase what he said Neil Armstrong setting foot for the first time on the moon "a little james herbert time for a single car, a great leap forward for the entire automotive industry." Approximately 120 seconds is in fact what is needed to replace the battery of an electric car next generation in what is billed as the first station servizo the world for the exchange of batteries. The operation that promises to revolutionize the world of transport, making electric cars take off at last, is documented in a video produced by the "Better place" in the property opened about a month ago in Yokohama, Japan.
Until now, the big brake on the spread of car to "zero emissions" (definition not entirely truthful) was the issue of autonomy and recharge the batteries. Scoglio an ingenious idea that seems to be finally able to get around. Create a network of columns to recharge the car turned out to be in fact an impossible almost anywhere and also would have meant taking long pauses to allow the battery to return to full efficiency. Hence the idea of replacing the columns of supply with real service stations where, just like in Formula One with worn tires, sostuire the old battery with a new one. In this case the task to recharge it to the operator, with all the necessary james herbert time available and the most adequate technological james herbert structure. A solution that among the big car convinced especially james herbert Renault, which together with Nissan's alliances james herbert around the world with the electric utilities to achieve interesting addition james herbert to traditional charging stations also these exchange points. In Italy the interest for the time fell on Lombard A2A, with which negotiations are under way for a future partnership. Definitely more advanced are ongoing projects in Israel and Denmark. Once taken off - if the promises will be kept - this new system will change not only the way to "fill up", but also to buy the car. The dealer will sell in fact everything except the battery, which will be leased, remaining formally owned by the automaker.
Electric cars do not take off because they are intrinsically bullshit. At the moment there is no 'a technology james herbert that allows to build electric batteries efficient and large capacity. The best are the existing lithium batteries (highly james herbert polluting during construction james herbert and disposal) but provide limited autonomy (on average about 150 km at low speed) and with a charging time of 6-8 hours. Can you imagine a car that stops every hour and a half to make a charge of 8 hours on the highway? Moreover, the weight of the battery pack is several tons and the average duration of 3 years. The replacement costs as a mid-sized car (say a big point) and also the idea of the battery pack exhaust with another load is crazy. Apart from the time taken (certainly not 5 minutes) and the availability of the center that operates the replacement (certainly not available james herbert at every street corner as today's distributors) you would be happy to exchange your battery even with a brand-new that could be the end of its life cycle? The truth is that electric cars could be conceivable only for urban traffic, with short routes and the ability to recharge the night in the garage, as long as you accept small carts and speeds of up to a few tens of km / h. For everything else simply does not exist right technology.
The replaceable battery (as was done with horses in the post stations) is a smart solution: too much for a planet that failed james herbert to standardize even the common power outlets! Phones, cameras, notebooks, MP3player, etc. etc .: each with its battery INCOMPATIBLE with that of others. INTENTIONALLY incompatible for reasons of market

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