Title: The family Barbapapas
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Here come the words Always happy Barbapapa Barbapapa Mom and Dad and their children sully monsters inc The little and large Transforming willingness Round or carrs Barbapapa is pink, pink rose more than a rose pink Barbamama is Blackest Black Barbibulle a black rose is yellow, like an apple green Barbalala Barbotine this angel A color orange Barbouille is black as a raven And every time he takes his brushes It covers tasks from bottom to top Barbabelle sully monsters inc is violet blue Barbidou is Barbidur athlete is as red as fire And this little world is happy party music {} Here come the fools is made Barbapapa In family Barbapapa Barbapapa Come with us to transform They willingness Short, Long, carrs {Thin, large or round} Come with us to Barbapapa! {There Barbapapa, Barbamama, Barbidou, Barbouille, Barbabelle and Barbidur, Slush and Barbibulle and Barbalala!} Come with us to Barbapapa! Lyrics awaiting permission from the copyright holders. We are committed to remove the display if their request.
francewska on 20/02/2003 8:56:50 p.m. my first T 45 :-)! he was put in as a slow evening, like a pub with small children judokas after eating a cookie sully monsters inc while dancing tenderly enlacs. Ah the sweet memories of childhood!
Melody95 on 29/10/2003 3:49:55 p.m. ooooh it's cute to have put on a flop-and-music .... Another anim drawing that berc is us soft, it's fluid ... but damn getting old: (
Doc Frank N. Stein on 16/06/2004 2:56:42 p.m. I remember (what memory!) They cre t on a corner bistro table, really for d conner without intert research in Advanced Features thylique tat ... Like what rflchir not need too much to make you remember. sully monsters inc
stupendo, 3:10:45 p.m. on 27/10/2004 Wow! I knew myself that the end of the song ... the one that went to the drawing anim .... This is too cute ... We are obliged to crack!
deesnay on 03/12/2004 sully monsters inc 1:57:02 p.m. J'tais small, then I understood: "Come with us to Barbapapa (ask sub) They turn into willingness, courlocarr (oinchtropour) ..." It's funny, even when that dad is pink and black mother. Voil a lively drawing sully monsters inc exploding gender conventions! (Or so RALIS by colorblind achieved 3rd degree)
alain renaud on 14/12/2005 10:57:53 p.m. 1974!! I lived in Africa, I had not even the tl ... But I remember all the lyrics by heart. In any case, nothing sully monsters inc to do with the new gnrique, sully monsters inc completely zero.
Pcmusic on 03/03/2007 1:52:42 p.m. There is a second single titled "New songs Barbapapa" yellow background. Is it always Ricet Barrier singing? If not, who is it?
Waldo Kitty on 13/07/2009 3:52:02 p.m. Ricet Barrier did not sing that gnrique, it was he who made Barbapapa all voices, even voices f minines! Http://www.dailymotion.com/relevance/search/barbap hat :) ... PS: he also made the voice Saturnin and Colargol :)
RadioExtended80 on 25/09/2011 10:24:27 Hello, no comments for ages, I just prciser the song collector is because it has two major errors. Indeed, it is said "yellow yellow Barbibulle is" while the latter sully monsters inc is in the blue drawing anim. Always about colors Barbapapas, it says "Barbidou is blue", sully monsters inc off it (the friend of animals) is yellow. veiled veiled. has Soon, all beautiful sully monsters inc journea
Chezod on 10/03/2012 sully monsters inc 12:36:25 I just see all the episodes with my daughter (vridique). In fact, Ricet Barrier is all the voices of the First season. In the SECOND season, there is no longer girls. Finally, in the third season later, he replaced t, this is unacceptable! Hi artist! Ch
Bide & Musique 2014 - contact@bide-et-musique.fr
francewska on 20/02/2003 8:56:50 p.m. my first T 45 :-)! he was put in as a slow evening, like a pub with small children judokas after eating a cookie sully monsters inc while dancing tenderly enlacs. Ah the sweet memories of childhood!
Melody95 on 29/10/2003 3:49:55 p.m. ooooh it's cute to have put on a flop-and-music .... Another anim drawing that berc is us soft, it's fluid ... but damn getting old: (
Doc Frank N. Stein on 16/06/2004 2:56:42 p.m. I remember (what memory!) They cre t on a corner bistro table, really for d conner without intert research in Advanced Features thylique tat ... Like what rflchir not need too much to make you remember. sully monsters inc
stupendo, 3:10:45 p.m. on 27/10/2004 Wow! I knew myself that the end of the song ... the one that went to the drawing anim .... This is too cute ... We are obliged to crack!
deesnay on 03/12/2004 sully monsters inc 1:57:02 p.m. J'tais small, then I understood: "Come with us to Barbapapa (ask sub) They turn into willingness, courlocarr (oinchtropour) ..." It's funny, even when that dad is pink and black mother. Voil a lively drawing sully monsters inc exploding gender conventions! (Or so RALIS by colorblind achieved 3rd degree)
alain renaud on 14/12/2005 10:57:53 p.m. 1974!! I lived in Africa, I had not even the tl ... But I remember all the lyrics by heart. In any case, nothing sully monsters inc to do with the new gnrique, sully monsters inc completely zero.
Pcmusic on 03/03/2007 1:52:42 p.m. There is a second single titled "New songs Barbapapa" yellow background. Is it always Ricet Barrier singing? If not, who is it?
Waldo Kitty on 13/07/2009 3:52:02 p.m. Ricet Barrier did not sing that gnrique, it was he who made Barbapapa all voices, even voices f minines! Http://www.dailymotion.com/relevance/search/barbap hat :) ... PS: he also made the voice Saturnin and Colargol :)
RadioExtended80 on 25/09/2011 10:24:27 Hello, no comments for ages, I just prciser the song collector is because it has two major errors. Indeed, it is said "yellow yellow Barbibulle is" while the latter sully monsters inc is in the blue drawing anim. Always about colors Barbapapas, it says "Barbidou is blue", sully monsters inc off it (the friend of animals) is yellow. veiled veiled. has Soon, all beautiful sully monsters inc journea
Chezod on 10/03/2012 sully monsters inc 12:36:25 I just see all the episodes with my daughter (vridique). In fact, Ricet Barrier is all the voices of the First season. In the SECOND season, there is no longer girls. Finally, in the third season later, he replaced t, this is unacceptable! Hi artist! Ch
Bide & Musique 2014 - contact@bide-et-musique.fr
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