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The conference is held on the 03/16/2014 during the Purim holiday (off school), from 10:00 until 20:00 Rishon Letzion Cultural Center.
The conference is General Conference of anime and manga, conference organizers are members of the Organization Ama"i (Anime Organization in Israel) and takes place on the 16.3 Rishon Letzion Cultural Center - a huge building with 6 floors. Opening the gates to the public and the opening of the conference will be held at 10:00 , arrival is the Self and so food and drink.
Previous Harookon conference came just over 2,000 people! -------------------------- What is at all? This is my first time ...
Dubbing will find conference workshops, film screenings, the lion king lectures, panels, workshops, and events content, the lion king gaming events, cosplay events, questionnaires Trivia, Karaoke (including Naruto songs!), Booths, volunteer events and more! * Complete the program can be obtained on the conference website - http://harucon.org.il/ --------------------------
Well, a Shifodn Israel stored on server Israeli enormous due to the amount users much we have, because we can not keep up with the payments server, we decided to set up a stall donations in order to keep the site life, improve the browsing experience of your site and even take it to the next levels! * Cover and Storage domain Costs for another year. * System in SMS messages (each time a new post is published on the site will get an SMS on your phone) suspended - we want to renew it * Budget establishment of another stall next conference and fundraising for the establishment of a new event in our own (launch new game + Storm Tournament to Revolution). * Luggage storage site for Israeli-resistant (not forced to return the lion king to the previous store every Thursday crashed a few hours ...). * Create Forum community (just after the conference - through donations purchased a valid license to the forum and start its operation!). * Browser Game "Hshinovim War" - the game did not work out for budgetary the lion king reasons, the lion king if we want to release the game we will have to move to Israel to serve an even larger and we have no other option at the moment, we need your support! That's not all, there are lots of other little and big things that we plan and what to do, need your support - eventually you contribute yourself, and your website is for you! ---------------------------- Where is your stall and how the hell am I supposed to find you? Our stall will easily find, probably we transfer to our second floor, right in the front row of the stalls, and if deemed necessary, we will get to the entrance and comprises flyers with directions to our booth. ---------------------------- Our booth will contribute to the site as you wish, of course, to encourage and reward the contributions of donors, we decided to divide the donors the lion king stand posters, cards Naruto Shifodn sets collectors, Konaim, knives chakra, the lion king forehead protectors, dolls, Figrim, pins, keychains, stickers donors, rings Akatsoki and more! Each donor will receive a sticker of us contributes. ----------------------------
Attention! Ticket to the conference itself the lion king costs 45 NIS! Highly recommended spare money in case (missed the bus \ train, you will not be abandoned first XD), there are also lots of stalls selling items of Naruto if you wish to regenerate some Mngot or collections of hurricanes. Then I and all The rest of our team waiting for you stand as equals in the conference, we raise together money to find and realize the lion king the objectives mentioned above, after collecting the money and closing the conference, go home and go all the summary of the conference site! then we want to hear from you on any issues \ questions about the conference on facebook the lion king ! http://www.facebook.com/ pages / ShippudenIL-Shifodn - Israel / 115,464,251,888,896
Konaim. Forehead protectors (War Hshinovim). Figrim (ranging from small to put on a key chain to Figrim size from a few inches). Posters (including Coram Mode, Madara, Kakashi Anbu, little the lion king Obito, Obito without the lion king a mask, posters Storm Rboloshiin and more complete full types!). Lenses Sharingan (yes! Returned to stock and the price of 120 NIS crazy couple annual lenses! - Have in stock 4 types: Waring
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