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Today's episode is a flashback to the Akatsoki, I personally really like. (Though it sucks that flashback, the chapters still worth!)
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzoMvKC3gjtKLU5Ed3NCSW9XZ1k/edit https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzoMvKC3gjtKM19KV2dwRFk5Tlk/edit https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzoMvKC3gjtKMjdxTVBvdjd2TjA/ edit https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzoMvKC3gjtKQXkxbGQ1WUdHbkE/edit https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzoMvKC3gjtKQkJrbUp3TzJSM2c/edit https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzoMvKC3gjtKRk9Ka1BkUVhONFk / edit https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzoMvKC3gjtKSFdjWVVOSDA2RlE/edit https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzoMvKC3gjtKSWF2MWk4VXpDeEk/edit https://drive.google.com/file/d/ 0BzoMvKC3gjtKSzlISm5DWVEwUjA/edit https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzoMvKC3gjtKT182R241NGlEOTQ/edit https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzoMvKC3gjtKTDVOZXF2RFJUNzQ/edit https://drive.google.com/file/d / 0BzoMvKC3gjtKUk05dXFXelozVmc/edit wdcc https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzoMvKC3gjtKVUpja3FRM29vSTA/edit https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzoMvKC3gjtKZ2hzeGRFN0VHcE0/edit https://drive.google.com/file/ d/0BzoMvKC3gjtKa1RRZGVXelk1U0U/edit https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzoMvKC3gjtKd2lFRUJCczNPZmc/edit
Not working for me mah?
By Artem on February 1, 2014 at 17:51:
By blom on January wdcc 30, 2014 at 21:04:
By providing on January 30, 2014 at 20:48:
When these episodes end up Mtiiiiiii Diiii just Diiii just Diii my dig excavations Hfirooottt Mshammmm just boring do not care I want the main plot just Hofriiiim and Hofriiim and then some Hofriim it Msgaaaa past months and we moved manga page.
In short all because Danzi .... If he was not in cahoots with Enzo had not been Akatsoki evil if evil was not Akatsoki so there was Obito who Lhistms then all this would not happen and this war and the same with Cabot! wdcc ~ Butterfly Effect ~ I hate Danzi-_-
I fainted again! Aaaaaaaa saved Nitz'ann ~ cough cough ~ swoon ~
"Kakashi Arc" This should be a series as there is for me or is it a glimpse of the upcoming episodes related to Kakashi? Anyway thanks for the episodes .. and all the complainants go complaining Japanese producers want to work as your parents want only that black workers opposed the producers push some pillars that it was not that terrible ...: wink:
The number indicates the viewing quality of the episode ... that seeing one more. Quality better than 960P 720P 720P ... better quality than 480P ... but as the best quality that weighs more .. do you have been in your considerations what to download.
If you do not know what a special song finished, probably just've never watched this ending song ...
The reason I think Sbigllh manga is Shmelkish get screwed over yet ideas and now he's going to knock the manga without will proceed for another six months to find an idea .... Although Japanese series is not really worth doing pillars were parts one part but that it has no ideas and all peelers Naruto that half the series are Bigll Shmelkish were ideas .... These episodes are not bad but they are not related to the central plot Kishi just knocks another filler after filler without stopping until he finds an idea and then broadcast the anime episodes released so short manga will progress which would not be half a year .... : Evil :: evil:
And Ahhhh how did you know??????
Naruto Movie 1 - Snow Princess vs. Movie 2 - Illusion World Destruction v. Movie 3 - lence animals Moon Island Shifodn Movie 1 - Movie Shifodn Movie 2 - Movie connections Shifodn 3 - inheritors of the will of fire Shifodn Movie 4 - The Lost Tower Shifodn Movie 5 - Blood Prison Q Movie 6 - Way to ninja games
Find the crimson clover wdcc four-leaf! Mission: Protect the village falls! G'onin wdcc vs Genin! The annual festival wdcc of Konoha! Genie and three wishes! Madara against Hashiramh! Shifu! Konoha High School in action! Taka! Naruto vs Sasuke! Exams Chonin! Naruto vs Konohamro!
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