Monday, February 2, 2015

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In the summer capitals, towns, even the smallest hamlet become the stage "folk festivals" in honor of the patron saint. In Lisbon it is Sv.Antonio, in Port St. Anthony. John, in a small town in my neighborhood St. Peter, the patron saint of fishermen. Although the fishing fleet joining the EU is experiencing a complete failure, and actively participate in fishing, himself two boats, this week all eyes were fixed on families who were once involved in fishing. Grandsons and sons of fishermen proudly celebrate St. Peter and completely surrender to the organization of street festivals and religious processions.
During the day all was quiet. Time when all recovering from last night's food and drink. On the streets disney store new york of some rest confetti, a few plastic cup, stuck in the drain water. Nothing overly. At the front door of house repair the decorations ....
The main streets are richly decorated with colorful metal ornaments, lights that shine in the night, and those oldest and most imaginative inhabitants, their courtyards are regulated with special attention. In the afternoon there is beginning to gather friends, disney store new york relatives, and will often invite disney store new york a complete stranger to join them with a glass of wine.
10 hours and 30 minutes and 25 C, announcing tough day. Today is the day river procession in honor of St. Petra. Those who "fantastic" program of the Portuguese Government did not burn their boats (OK, with some financial compensation) in the nineties, and remained as barkovlasnici, today will decorate their boats and head waters of the river Tejo, celebrating the patron saint.
After lunch and a glass of wine, around 14 hours time to set sail the first leg of the procession. One of the two boats which are still fish, has the honor to transport the statue of St. Petra. Respectable gentlemen who live faith, Fresh flowers decorate the boat, giving it such a special importance.
We reared back of a mule on his way out of the bay. Let's go to ponte where we meet the statue, which will then embark on a boat and bring to the mainland. I've never been on a religious procession, just so you know. I did not really clear the way, but order is order and I respect that - what would you say Balas.
Statue kept representatives of scouts (they were here under the auspices of the church), the clergy and the military. After the precious cargo aboard and people are strategically distribute by boat, and evenly distributed load, looking disney store new york back. Towards the port.
Coming up on the mainland. It seems that when the whole town gathered at the waterfront. Old, young, local Cigić sale helium inflated balloons, air spreads the smell of popcorn with butter. Wind light breezes. The sun rays. I forgot my hat in the car and now I am already a little headache. disney store new york
Jump out of the boat, although the first should come out the statue, but I'm sorry I have to taking photos ... The place of honor clergy in their starched robes blissfully smiling. disney store new york Pay attention to the one wearing a blue robe. I do not know who to turn, and I'd be curious. If someone knows ... please educate me! There was little inconvenient that I caught him by the sleeve - pardon, and whose are you?
I used pre-cooked chickpeas. Cod cook as normal and separate the meat from the bone. When cool admix it chickpeas. Nasitno cut the onions and parsley, and add the mixture. Poor olive oil, vinegar. Add salt if necessary. At the end of the big slice the eggs and add to the salad. You can go on immediately, but if you sit in the fridge a few hours, you will get that nice sug which is excellent for dipping bread.
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I believe that is all very colorful and interesting. In any case, to see. Here in our country do not like this kind of procession. However, the salad must have been really nice, a great idea for summer days. Easy, refreshing, yet nutritious. Reply Delete
Fantastic post, just me real pleasure to look at your beautiful photos, and absorb every syllable that I get to know other customs and tradiciju..salata is definitely on point and ... savršena..lijep greeting you! Reply Delete
Excellent post, another interesting story and getting disney store new york to know the customs of the country in which you live, just the enjoyment of reading. And great pictures that we all always so nice to show up. Salad was excellent, rich and light, disney store new york for the warmer days excellent! Reply Delete
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