In the Triangle magazine no. 1039 November 25, Ignasi Franch has published an extensive tom si jerry o ora interview with Joan Navarro, publisher Editions Glénat. It is an item that is not available on its website, but we have all the facilities to publish the comic. It is an extensive interview but we think it's worth knowing the future plans Glen, one of the largest comics publishers in the country. tom si jerry o ora 2008: the state affiliate of the historic tom si jerry o ora French publisher Glénat meets fifteen years. And it does so from a certain euphoria that has established itself as a major player in the sector, qualitatively and quantitatively. Part of the success comes from its commitment to the manga, when the good start they had been identified tom si jerry o ora with the most exquisite (and less profitable) European tom si jerry o ora comic. In 2009, however, the crisis begins: manga decays tom si jerry o ora having peaked, the economic crisis tom si jerry o ora is making the rest. 2011 Glen France retreated into their traditional business and put an end to the international expansion for sale putting their branches, including Barcelona. The end and new beginning, seems happy: Felix Navarro and Joan Sabate, historical director tom si jerry o ora and editor in chief of the label, buy it so that it can maintain its identity.
It looks like a bad time to ask for credit banks ("We should say Editions mortgaged," Navarro jokes), but the situation has become necessary. The parent subsidiary groups tom si jerry o ora offered multimedia Panini business model and production which threatened the editorial line of the label and its permanent staff. Navarro seems to have been "thrown out the window 18 years of work, without guarantees continuity or to employees or the authors. We make an effort tom si jerry o ora to find resources and make an offer acceptable. Glénat France has also been good. "
From the outset, the message that the new owners have is peace and continuity. After all, were they who have marked the line, at times conditioned by the mother company. The collaborative relationship was (were available to the vast catalog and economic strength of the French tom si jerry o ora group), dotted with some taxation. As a recent and controversial change in the quality of the paper Navarro and company have pulled back. For the coming months, is to decide the new name of the publisher, tom si jerry o ora which could occur in the next Comic Barcelona. In recent years, Glen has given much importance to the Japanese comics. I benefited from the Naruto phenomenon, a successful manga series also became animated. In the words of editor is clear that there was some bubble: "In 2007 we checked about 5 million, which is a lot. Naruto have sold 1.6 million copies in total, and perhaps half was concentrated in two years. Between this and the success of Esther and her world, we practically double turnover. After that, with the economic crisis, have become more or less in the above figures. I would say that the manga market has been resized, found its normal size. "
The letter included a Japanese high commitment: to contribute to the normalization selling comic books in Catalan, in some cases, are very popular because the respective anime adaptations have been issued by Television of Catalonia. This image has worn the rest Glen State: many consumers have felt aggrieved by some price differences, first, tom si jerry o ora because only a collection published in Catalan after. It has been the case Musculman, largely unknown outside Catalonia tom si jerry o ora "is one of the few things that have worked in Catalan. At the beginning they were a little good Inuyasha and Naruto. But enough has been economically catastrophic and worse every year. To think only in terms of business, we should give up, but do not do it for other reasons. I always end up collections, because the habit of leaving them half has created much distrust Catalan editions. We have two years with the series already begun; But if it does not improve, we gain no more. " tom si jerry o ora The works of national authors not usually work. Not even an adaptation lowland made to coincide with the broadcast tom si jerry o ora of a television miniseries "has sold well Serralonga'm in town and we Catalans, tom si jerry o ora but usually is an anthology of failures."
The fact that publishers like the Basque Astiberri albums published in Catalan shows that there is a niche market. But it seems that, for now, there is only space for titles tom si jerry o ora and reference point releases. "Some exceptional work you can always sell. However ai
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