Friday, December 27, 2013

Pirate Party reviewer Captain Beefheart to the police for his many crimes. We can mention the unaut

Pirate Party reviewer Captain Beefheart to the police for his many crimes. We can mention the unauthorized use of the Captain title. It's Pirate Party appointing sleeping beauty 2011 trailer captains, sleeping beauty 2011 trailer through a broad, democratic political process. While Sabertooth uses threats of violence to achieve his position. This is a violation sleeping beauty 2011 trailer of Norwegian law and we recommend all his sailors, and accomplices to demand sleeping beauty 2011 trailer democratic sleeping beauty 2011 trailer reform. Unlicensed use of pirated title. This title may be used only with the agreement of the Pirate Party, with payment of 15% royalties to the party. 'Captain' Sabertooth has not applied for a license, nor paid the license fee. We can not have anything that anyone even declaring that profession in this way, this will only lead to anarchy. Sabretooth must hereafter be content to call himself a pirate, unless he wants to be keel hauled by real pirates and captains. Sabertooth is a loafer, rogue and thief who just want to steal and use cool titles for free without paying for it, while it is clear that he has enough money to pay since he acts in zoos, no doubt very zoos [ 1]. Last but not least, sleeping beauty 2011 trailer use Sabertooth wrong finger when he should express dissatisfaction [2].
"This is a very serious matter," said a captain of the genuine and salty kind, Voice Shouts Birch Østrådal. "Not only is this about questionable personal conduct, but about a big economic problem, where huge revenues withheld and stolen from a large group of professional people. It is difficult to estimate the exact loss, but studies conducted by economists Pirate Party suggests sleeping beauty 2011 trailer that it may involve tens of millions of dollars. 'Captain' Sabertooth and the kids seems certain they are cool kid on their rooms, but they tear down and destroy and demolish and crushes and destroys the economy and society and our morale! It is cruel that everything we real pirates have worked to build is whisked away by such a scam. ", Emphasizes captain Tale of secure voice and authoritative gestures.
The term "pirate" is a trademarked term that describes copyright violations. Sabertooth uses the term "piracy" without permission, and is thus guilty of piracy. The term "piracy" has been used in connection with violations of economic monopolies sleeping beauty 2011 trailer since 1603, and exercised now by billions of people worldwide.
Pirate Party are happy to share the word pirate with others, we are a government agency sleeping beauty 2011 trailer for this community property on behalf of the people. Piracy is a concept and a business that has been all male and all female means, and we must react when Sabertooth want it for themselves. Company Pirate Products Inc. has registered online name "" and says on its pages that they own "all rights to Captain Sabertooth experience universe." This is theft of the term pirate, and of all treasure chests, eye patches, hand hooks and sailing ships. "It is troubling that a person can claim copyright on the universe." Says Captain Speech.
Based on Sabertooth numerous and serious crimes require Pirate Party that the police must intervene sleeping beauty 2011 trailer umiddelstraks. sleeping beauty 2011 trailer At a minimum, this bandit fined, IP detected and removed / blocked from the Internet. We suggest in addition that this thief and criminal, should be entered in child porn filter (and the closed department), pending a full and thorough investigation of his abnormal interest in children and vice versa.
"We are aware that the police are unable to investigate all copyright violations themselves, so we have hired their own private investigators who are ready to take matters into their own hands," says Captain Speech. "It is now just before the new Copyright Act enters into force, and then we can monitor, store and investigating Sabertooth empire and all its backers, henchmen and contributors and contributors contributors and contributors contributors contributors without interference from the police or disturbing the rule of law. We will not give up until this pirate piracy ends ", says the captain. On behalf of the many insane, Pirate Party Norway
Press release from the Pirate Party in Vest-Agder Pirate Party Pirate Party 01/04/2013 Reviewer Captain Beefheart to the police for his many crimes. We can mention the unauthorized use of the Captain title. It's Pirate Party as ...

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