Hospitalization due to sore legs had to Timo Landgren wanted to get rid of antibiotics. So he started to drink and sprayed into the nose of their own making silver water. naruto shippuden episode 85 english dubbed Foot pain, asthma and colds disappeared. Antibiotics Even the man no longer needs.
- My body was pushed several times a drip of antibiotics and kotikuureina. Panikoiduin the volume of medicines. I suspected that my stomach is not much longer it would take ever stronger antibiotics. I wanted to find an alternative treatment, Timo says.
- I read äijästä, which was turned into a Smurf color of silver ion after drinking water. The comments said that the silver water properly cooked, cause such side effects. I became interested in the matter, and I started to figure it out more. Harvard University study supported read about in: it the right way made of silver water is safe.
- Level of impurities may be distilled water for only 1 to 2 ppm, which is one or two particles per million. Hanavedessäkin pollutants may be more than 100 ppm. Hank the water quality of the observing instrument, which cost 50 euros.
First, Timo pour distilled naruto shippuden episode 85 english dubbed water into a glass half-liter jar with cucumbers. Then he set silver wires vertically through the paper jar about two inches away from each other. The upper ends of the wires connected to the hauenleukaliittimin DC transformer plus and minus lines.
- The optimal electric current is less than 24 volts and one amp. In my transformer is a 700 milliamps. When I plug in the power adapter, the water begins to form ions. The reaction is called electrolysis, Timo explains.
- Then it becomes a poison. For example, the color of a Smurf changed man had used in the manufacture of salt. For the formation of silver chloride. Substance for a long time used the man fell ill with argyria. It is known as the silver mines of workers as a disease.
- If you want water for external use only, you can make it stronger, almost brown. But the longer the electrolysis naruto shippuden episode 85 english dubbed is running, the larger particles hopealangoista leaves. Large particles do not do good, Timo says.
- At first, I drank and sprayed silver water into the nose of a couple of dl per day. It is a sweet savor. What's more yellow, it karvaampaa. Particle concentrations are very small compared to tap water.
- I use it according to their own existence. If the legs start to feel bad, or should a flu feeling, I put the material into a spray bottle and sumutan it on the nose. The symptoms disappear almost immediately. naruto shippuden episode 85 english dubbed Even enema
- Silver Water pH is alkaline, so acid neutralizing the stomach. When it is the way to lose ionic species, benefit is not so much. Sprayed into the nose rather than the substance is absorbed by the mucous membranes into the bloodstream quickly, Timo explains.
- If you have a sore right, the silver can be put into the body of water in an enema of about 30 milligrams a liter. Thus, it is absorbed directly into the bloodstream. naruto shippuden episode 85 english dubbed I did it myself once in the very early days, when my leg got infected again and the fever rose. I feel relieved in a few hours.
- Even mild asthma disappeared after the first week - I am no longer using inhalers at all times. When the silver water to pour even a humidifier at night, which does not consist of hot steam, it will also improve the viruses and bacteria caused diseases. Help may also be mold sairastuttamiin the lungs.
- I recommend anyone interested in silver water for the manufacture of the device, ie hopeapulsaattorin acquisition. With the device gets silver threads and instructions. The electrolysis is not required to monitor, as the unit turns itself off when the silver water is ready. always looking for interesting stories to tell your internet habit and an encouragement to others to living a difficult life situation. Have you survived the severe illness or whether a friend or colleague behind him absolutely staggering life of bizarre coincidences? Also, the smaller naruto shippuden episode 85 english dubbed and larger organizations, and other acts of active naruto shippuden episode 85 english dubbed working people of interest to us.
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